Bianchi Oltre XR.2 2015-2018



  470 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 445 326 351 450 332 430 362
Stack 587 437 464 605 505 622 593
Top Tube (effective) 483 556 431 470 549 606 592
Top Tube (actual) 503 597 513 434 487 456 556
Seat Tube C-T 412 498 561 541 565 509 656
Head Angle 59 73 65 86 81 83 66
Seat Angle 77 64 87 61 75 69 78
Head Tube 103 106 142 154 178 210 233
Chainstay 320 456 468 409 467 421 467
Front Centre 642 684 565 598 579 669 708
BB Drop 69 68 56 67 54 60 66
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