

  470 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 309 311 354 401 411 434 413
Stack 428 435 451 507 567 503 505
Top Tube (effective) 578 444 484 629 571 636 528
Top Tube (actual) 462 488 561 482 483 503 623
Seat Tube C-T 561 542 569 658 615 607 610
Seat Tube C-C 414 400 532 521 617 563 493
Head Angle 70.5° 71.5° 72° 72.5° 73° 73° 73.5°
Seat Angle 74.5° 74.5° 74° 73.5° 73.5° 73° 72.5°
Head Tube 107 107 132 170 172 206 169
Chainstay 463 408 450 436 360 338 479
BB Drop 55 62 55 68 78 75 59
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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