

Compare 1
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Top Tube (effective)
Top Tube (actual)
Seat Tube C-T
Seat Tube C-C
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
BB Type
Fork Rake / Offset
Fork Length (A2C)
Data Source
  470 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 419 384 364 377 369 345 373
Stack 583 584 579 507 471 560 515
Top Tube (effective) 575 454 487 488 448 583 657
Top Tube (actual) 603
Seat Tube C-T 569
Seat Tube C-C 472 437 441 569 582 515 553
Head Angle 59 77 80 80 72 60 73
Seat Angle 79 89 80 74 67 67 61
Head Tube 109 107 106 156 144 192 207
Chainstay 375 451 457 411 390 477 403
Wheelbase 1121 1022 1101 938 881 899 952
Front Centre 562 631 492 582 629 692 543
BB Drop 48 48 80 75 55 70 69
BB Type BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86
Fork Rake / Offset 46 41 40 49 45 38 43
Fork Length (A2C) 348 350 440 410 316 311 301
Data Source Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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