

  470 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 408 318 446 415 346 437 409
Stack 460 553 563 550 524 575 711
Top Tube (effective) 498 486 507 585 570 666 547
Top Tube (actual) 424
Seat Tube C-T 598
Seat Tube C-C 498 486 487 514 566 452 555
Head Angle 57 85 75 84 70 83 70
Seat Angle 80 75 67 72 81 68 63
Head Tube 125 131 114 162 178 202 207
Chainstay 341 488 404 412 370 414 391
Wheelbase 1095 971 870 931 935 1027 857
Front Centre 654 498 487 639 502 544 679
BB Drop 65 59 67 80 67 57 66
BB Type BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86
Fork Rake / Offset 35 46 42 40 40 42 36
Fork Length (A2C) 386 391 394 434 367 326 310
Data Source Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi Bianchi

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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