Bianchi Oltre XR4 2022



  47 50 53 55 57 59 61
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Reach 367 444 335 317 399 419 467
Stack 491 555 457 500 457 552 531
Top Tube (effective) 603 625 488 486 510 607 551
Seat Tube C-C 347 483 425 418 538 562 652
Head Angle 68 73 64 76 84 62 60
Seat Angle 84 80 73 83 69 66 57
Head Tube 96 89 106 127 139 152 177
Chainstay 407 343 404 360 459 453 372
Wheelbase 856 1159 904 894 849 981 1142
Front Centre 663 474 577 544 691 519 614
BB Drop 62 53 56 79 78 58 59
Fork Rake / Offset 41 46 37 50 45 46 43
Fork Length (A2C) 350 391 313 294 425 437 388
Seatpost Length 246 269 316 394 305 362 400
Seatpost Offset 29 23 23 28 26 28 20
Handlebar Width 360 453 447 359 462 340 487
Stem Length 85 119 89 104 131 141 153
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