Bianchi Project 7, Project 5 and Project 3 1992



  16.0" 17.5" 19.5" 21.5"
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Top Tube (effective) 580 531 472 507
Seat Tube C-T 406 380 472 611
Seat Tube C-C 421 466 532 593
Head Angle 63 86 85 59
Seat Angle 60 69 60 70
Chainstay 455 363 487 465
Wheelbase 1140 850 1042 1098
Standover 636 789 780 779
BB Drop 65 71 62 50
BB Height 334 338 267 356
Fork Rake / Offset 37 37 38 46
Wheel Size 732 698 579 572
Tyre Max Width 45 51 52 52
Bike Weight 31 22 27 31
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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