

  44 49 52 55 58 61
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Top Tube (effective) 454 620 639 473 585 708
Top Tube (actual) 431 475 630 452 463 629
Seat Tube C-T 475 405 432 612 490 525
Head Angle 62 69 82 62 82 76
Seat Angle 61 85 75 62 71 67
Chainstay 413 369 408 489 506 494
Wheelbase 1038 863 996 1185 1117 1026
Standover 28in 29.8in 30.5in 31.7in 32.8in 34in
Fork Rake / Offset 46 46 53 56 41 48
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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