

  44 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63
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Top Tube (effective) 581 495 536 579 654 542 656 547 644
Top Tube (actual) 462 433 589 523 484 466 617 626 651
Seat Tube C-T 378 436 546 592 530 454 572 541 495
Head Angle 80 62 72 70 86 80 69 65 79
Seat Angle 66 80 85 89 59 83 67 63 76
Chainstay 433 367 407 394 478 432 337 407 421
Wheelbase 1016 1076 1073 841 891 1118 860 1122 1096
Fork Rake / Offset 45 42 48 36 48 42 42 45 48
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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