Bianchi Via Nirone 7 2011



  44 46 50 53 55 57 59 61 63
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Reach 323 379 321 439 319 328 333 357 468
Stack 491 558 539 541 605 551 562 721 717
Top Tube (effective) 497 477 574 450 467 523 628 569 565
Top Tube (actual) 588 497 465 539 485 536 539 521 647
Seat Tube C-T 478 472 463 501 440 640 550 676 518
Seat Tube (effective) 374 511 560 585 459 591 679 640 567
Head Angle 69 78 71 76 79 58 76 67 82
Seat Angle 77 85 82 80 61 75 58 86 84
Head Tube 126 100 137 124 165 182 197 228 241
Chainstay 328 402 383 405 386 414 377 433 436
Front Centre 481 661 475 476 659 544 559 596 585
BB Drop 61 61 64 81 80 67 70 64 80
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