Bianchi Via Nirone 7 C2C 2009



  440 460 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 384 414
Stack 547 567
Top Tube (effective) 424 511 443 596 640 610 510 572
Top Tube (actual) 460 468 559 539 469 607 613 564
Seat Tube C-T 385 488 486 543 590 477 591 579
Seat Tube C-C 435 445 432 425 547 443 498 604
Head Angle 59 63 61 67 84 74 83 58
Seat Angle 86 75 64 61 80 59 69 63
Head Tube 128 100 113 137 130 177 165 177
Chainstay 596 468 332 361 330 339 357 458
Front Centre 510 575 523 606 556 490 687 550
BB Drop 68 58 66 78 75 72 77 77
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