

  46 49 51 53 55 57 59 61
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Top Tube (effective) 554 429 468 597 478 615 623 526
Top Tube (actual) 443 465 512 473 615 628 663 462
Seat Tube C-T 472 585 596 542 557 668 482 683
Head Angle 80 63 76 85 69 76 77 71
Seat Angle 85 67 88 73 62 68 71 70
Head Tube 110 115 136 120 139 148 176 200
Chainstay 429 430 353 498 455 496 347 408
Front Centre 529 696 588 501 491 683 569 561
BB Drop 71 69 81 59 66 64 69 63
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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