Bianchi Zolder Pro Disc 2020



  48 50 52 54 56 58
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Reach 374 376 331 391 394 367
Stack 542 626 459 570 533 557
Top Tube (effective) 533 576 587 468 562 461
Seat Tube C-T 443 556 526 516 585 629
Head Angle 70 69 69 85 65 71
Seat Angle 64 63 82 83 73 72
Head Tube 118 119 140 128 170 183
Chainstay 450 496 347 445 444 464
Wheelbase 964 883 1029 1129 1184 864
Front Centre 700 701 602 655 584 590
BB Drop 62 49 67 67 70 58
Fork Rake / Offset 41 36 52 53 45 53
Fork Length (A2C) 374 451 417 433 334 402
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