Bianchi Zurigo Apex Disc 2015



  49 52 55 57 59 61
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Reach 315 382 354 398 349 415
Stack 594 602 631 522 633 496
Top Tube (effective) 424 442 476 475 483 482
Top Tube (actual) 589 549 635 547 492 507
Seat Tube C-T 569 539 593 641 554 523
Head Angle 82 69 69 61 84 63
Seat Angle 74 66 60 77 58 77
Head Tube 107 119 135 141 166 202
Chainstay 406 349 439 471 375 363
Front Centre 569 586 620 698 735 700
BB Drop 58 67 63 66 55 71
Crank Length 196 158 142 180 144 203
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