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Reach 438 567 586 608
Stack 640 597 600 595
Top Tube (effective) 657 558 736 809
Seat Tube C-T 394 490 563 475
Head Angle 57 78 65 65
Seat Angle 70 82 81 75
Head Tube 96 113 97 113
Chainstay 427 357 400 500
Wheelbase 1318 992 1084 1394
Front Centre 814 947 950 725
Standover 600 813 604 756
BB Drop -31 -27 -25 -34
BB Height 323 387 392 326
BB Type BSA 73 BSA 73 BSA 73 BSA 73
Fork Rake / Offset 57 41 50 51
Fork Length (A2C) 652 625 488 550
Seatpost Diameter 28 34 33 34
Axle Spacing 162 148 159 127
Wheel Size 26 23 32 25
Tyre Max Width 2 2 2 2
Front Travel 151 167 161 129
Rear Travel 176 144 125 122
Shock Size 230x65 230x65 230x65 230x65
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Seat Clamp 32 38 37 32
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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