

  44 47 50 53 56
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Reach 347 357 351 443 366
Stack 500 574 496 664 583
Top Tube (effective) 566 519 631 474 524
Seat Tube C-T 365 446 471 475 589
Head Angle 72 73 84 72 84
Seat Angle 79 69 82 82 72
Head Tube 105 125 182 177 184
Chainstay 390 454 506 462 368
Wheelbase 915 1196 836 1109 917
Front Centre 60 535 632 58 58
Standover 858 808 739 952 689
BB Drop 61 83 80 78 83
Fork Rake / Offset 48 70 58 50 51
Trail 48 48 48 54 43
Fork Length (A2C) 327 418 391 429 407
Seatpost Diameter 29 26 22 26 31
Axle Spacing 100x12, 142x12 100x12, 142x12 100x12, 142x12 100x12, 142x12 100x12, 142x12
Wheel Size 650b 650b 650b 650b 650b
Tyre Max Width 58 58 58 56 45
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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