Blacksnow Pangea 2020



  46 49 52 55
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Reach 396 410 441 475
Stack 454 599 698 531
Top Tube (effective) 554 547 492 695
Seat Tube C-T 475 562 580 522
Seat Tube C-C 476 515 538 415
Seat Tube (effective) 422 585 518 541
Head Angle 78 79 72 58
Seat Angle 68 75 59 85
Head Tube 105 133 191 212
Chainstay 510 451 395 441
Wheelbase 927 1170 1162 967
Standover 764 836 645 903
BB Drop 62 55 48 45
BB Type BB68 BB68 BB68 BB68
Fork Rake / Offset 43 56 40 50
Fork Length (A2C) 416 376 482 408
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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