BLB Hitchhiker 2018



  48 51 54 57 60 63
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Reach 398 443 413 412
Stack 478 654 669 601
Top Tube (effective) 473 585 649 600 659 554
Seat Tube C-C 514 472 551 482 543 646
Head Angle 66 80 65 59 70 72
Seat Angle 70 67 76 83 74 71
Head Tube 156
Chainstay 482
Wheelbase 1055
Front Centre 591
Standover 658 747 907 758 907 961
BB Drop 87 77 79 80 79 77
BB Height 309 262 265 277 235 281
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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