

  48 51 54 57 60
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Reach 426 310 434 453 417
Stack 426 606 540 552 606
Top Tube (effective) 539 636 643 615 666
Seat Tube C-C 448 565 500 515 639
Head Angle 61 82 74 66 77
Seat Angle 87 72 77 67 68
Head Tube 101 120 123 193 239
Wheelbase 1076 861 1162 1163 927
Front Centre 529 642 637 600 654
Standover 804 749 816 675 777
BB Drop 50 62 71 67 56
Fork Rake / Offset 49 51 50 37 50
Trail 87 61 64 69 62
Fork Length (A2C) 341 388 430 320 373
Seatpost Length 282 319 316 414 307
Seatpost Offset 13 13 12 15 12
Handlebar Width 420 366 374 398 492
Stem Length 84 80 92 104 152
Stem Angle +/- 6 +/- 6 +/- 6 +/- 6 +/- 6
Crank Length 186 193 191 165 180
HB Drop 117 143 147 145 111
HB Reach 72 71 75 68 69
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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