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Reach 455 431 534 484
Stack 502 588 496 544
Top Tube (effective) 592 723 706 550
Seat Tube C-T 438 443 472 409
Head Angle 61 73 65 77
Seat Angle 61 74 66 64
Head Tube 110 114 114 139
Chainstay 345 348 443 492
Wheelbase 1305 970 1210 1144
Front Centre 793 613 696 625
BB Drop 45 49 46 39
Fork Rake / Offset 50 44 43 49
Trail 96 117 107 95
Fork Length (A2C) 531 562 534 592
Handlebar Width 808 696 712 704
Stem Length 43 64 64 62
Stem Angle -5 -5 -5 -4
Crank Length 153 207 199 174
Rider Height <172 172-182 180-188 >188
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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