BMC Granfondo GF01 2014-2017



  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 298 436 336 364 421 346
Stack 447 482 490 527 595 677
Top Tube (effective) 473 540 502 455 610 659
Seat Tube C-T 365 428 568 451 602 653
Head Angle 69 59 85 69 86 67
Seat Angle 82 83 61 82 60 84
Head Tube 133 125 140 171 191 229
Chainstay 386 434 470 333 452 441
BB Drop 60 76 83 78 68 76
HB Drop 497 468 439 461 508 406
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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