

  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 337 310 367 323 476 452
Stack 603 503 563 478 590 680
Top Tube (effective) 473 603 493 477 619 634
Seat Tube C-T 432 515 491 545 598 678
Head Angle 62 71 73 72 60 67
Seat Angle 79 75 82 65 73 64
Head Tube 107 134 161 201 175 272
Chainstay 464 359 346 392 464 413
Wheelbase 1058 941 885 1151 1000 896
Front Centre 558 632 488 595 574 667
Standover 806 638 730 919 883 880
BB Drop 82 62 74 68 65 78
Fork Rake / Offset 45 46 41 49 38 47
Trail 73 68 72 62 52 69
Fork Length (A2C) 393 326 346 356 350 368
Seatpost Length 274 279 356 254 343 308
Seatpost Offset 14 14 12 15 15 12
Handlebar Width 346 428 390 426 526 469
Stem Length 92 91 81 99 130 97
Stem Angle -13 -11 -14 -12 -10 -11
Crank Length 199 161 153 144 174 191
HB Drop 148 109 132 115 113 120
HB Reach 56 76 70 67 56 78
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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