

  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 370 319 444 382 330 346
Stack 540 472 665 650 518 736
Top Tube (effective) 559 559 475 666 562 491
Seat Tube C-T 402 419 474 496 441 473
Head Angle 68 70 80 71 74 59
Seat Angle 66 84 72 64 68 79
Head Tube 121 113 165 173 204 239
Chainstay 453 424 332 405 382 455
Wheelbase 803 906 1190 1026 1128 1233
Front Centre 573 640 543 602 695 680
Standover 796 650 845 768 800 731
BB Drop 66 83 81 73 66 68
Fork Rake / Offset 55 41 53 44 45 43
Trail 50 52 57 70 61 62
Fork Length (A2C) 341 332 356 363 406 320
Tyre Max Width 28 28 26 32 34 32
Seatpost Length 305 395 314 409 377 450
Seatpost Offset 13 16 13 13 17 13
Handlebar Width 444 397 472 353 352 395
Stem Length 83 102 91 84 110 99
Crank Length 168 199 145 205 173 188
Rider Height <166 166-174 172-180 178-186 184-192 >190
Pad Reach 331 376 403 457 349 371
HB Drop 122 132 149 112 103 135
HB Reach 56 69 64 62 58 66
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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