

  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 302 347 318 419 425 474
Stack 572 443 542 567 626 583
Top Tube (effective) 497 494 631 537 521 623
Seat Tube C-T 484 535 521 611 447 602
Head Angle 57 69 83 79 74 77
Seat Angle 79 76 61 60 71 79
Head Tube 91 136 141 192 182 266
Chainstay 486 364 479 465 362 447
Wheelbase 851 888 1113 811 1193 968
Front Centre 538 664 573 700 561 755
Standover 668 848 745 799 761 814
BB Drop 68 84 66 73 72 75
Fork Rake / Offset 49 48 52 43 52 38
Trail 68 53 73 65 52 62
Fork Length (A2C) 378 392 332 354 360 322
Tyre Max Width 37 29 29 27 35 26
Seatpost Length 278 448 349 345 411 347
Seatpost Offset 13 12 15 16 15 12
Handlebar Width 426 363 472 343 454 431
Stem Length 72 107 117 93 92 91
Crank Length 148 141 147 198 194 183
Rider Height <166 166-174 172-180 178-186 184-192 >190
Pad Reach 338 445 366 333 393 402
HB Drop 133 127 133 107 102 104
HB Reach 81 80 74 79 62 74
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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