

  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 373 313 328 370 452 362
Stack 513 586 462 573 617 507
Top Tube (effective) 579 631 591 475 502 572
Seat Tube C-T 413 499 421 490 484 571
Head Angle 71 65 79 66 62 63
Seat Angle 83 87 68 86 60 85
Head Tube 112 146 139 163 219 173
Chainstay 411 397 491 378 389 438
Wheelbase 1119 810 991 1060 1212 835
Front Centre 609 567 543 581 497 504
Standover 730 772 771 640 678 681
BB Drop 72 71 57 55 75 64
Fork Rake / Offset 34 42 33 41 37 42
Trail 74 75 59 56 66 75
Fork Length (A2C) 412 301 298 357 307 419
Seatpost Length 298 280 386 385 328 310
Seatpost Offset 13 13 16 14 16 12
Handlebar Width 432 444 355 446 423 412
Stem Length 93 115 112 142 116 140
Stem Angle +/- 8 +/- 8 +/- 8 +/- 8 +/- 8 +/- 8
Crank Length 177 141 140 173 153 187
HB Drop 112 140 135 102 121 116
HB Reach 75 81 61 85 73 73
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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