BMC Teammachine ALR DISC 2019



  47 51 54 57 60
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Reach 323 341 393 463 324
Stack 478 472 545 563 602
Top Tube (effective) 570 566 577 647 599
Seat Tube (effective) 393 573 542 618 528
Head Angle 79 66 71 68 71
Seat Angle 61 78 69 84 73
Head Tube 127 117 149 178 219
Chainstay 474 452 417 465 337
Wheelbase 1146 833 1000 801 954
Front Centre 506 540 672 499 678
Standover 694 708 779 820 678
BB Drop 76 59 58 59 62
Fork Rake / Offset 37 46 42 38 42
Trail 71 71 65 60 63
Fork Length (A2C) 439 341 359 301 314
Seatpost Length 413 375 328 392 399
Seatpost Offset 12 15 12 14 13
Handlebar Width 371 372 487 464 471
Stem Length 82 102 112 106 112
Stem Angle +/-8 +/-8 +/-8 +/-8 +/-8
Crank Length 162 172 167 148 202
Rider Height <168 166-174 172-180 178-188 >186
HB Drop 141 120 132 144 104
HB Reach 67 78 80 75 78
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Crank length on the 60 is 175 not 172.5.

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

Image showing geometry measurements

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