BMC Teammachine SLR 2023



  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 422 413 458 342 422 399
Stack 561 610 471 539 638 697
Top Tube (effective) 463 622 533 615 643 506
Seat Tube C-T 379 444 559 564 505 516
Head Angle 64 59 68 84 68 86
Seat Angle 70 66 77 78 61 71
Head Tube 126 130 153 149 180 216
Chainstay 385 439 362 444 400 379
Wheelbase 986 796 872 934 1009 968
Front Centre 625 492 702 670 674 693
Standover 595 743 786 688 905 811
BB Drop 63 72 68 74 74 69
Fork Rake / Offset 55 45 36 39 46 44
Trail 59 68 53 57 62 58
Fork Length (A2C) 428 311 382 412 369 355
Tyre Max Width 34 32 26 35 33 24
Seatpost Length 340 356 384 448 392 374
Seatpost Offset 12 12 12 16 13 17
Handlebar Width 368 441 474 369 425 356
Stem Length 86 98 106 104 128 106
Stem Angle ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8
Crank Length 191 199 172,5 172,5 189 142
Rider Height <166 166-174 172-180 178-186 184-192 >190
HB Reach 399 374 462 388 358 447
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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