

  47 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 416 386 353 386 410 387
Stack 478 556 497 515 579 596
Top Tube (effective) 530 431 615 505 684 520
Seat Tube C-T 384 432 558 559 595 604
Head Angle 65 72 58 58 65 79
Seat Angle 82 61 65 76 81 60
Head Tube 92 117 141 141 177 223
Chainstay 382 419 376 352 382 398
Wheelbase 932 984 840 847 909 1069
Front Centre 598 568 514 528 520 576
Standover 859 824 719 868 801 713
BB Drop 59 71 66 61 61 72
Fork Rake / Offset 49 56 39 42 38 48
Trail 57 64 75 64 58 75
Fork Length (A2C) 353 325 390 436 310 425
Seatpost Length 382 318 438 442 435 332
Seatpost Offset 13 14 14 17 17 17
Handlebar Width 366 458 456 378 391 428
Stem Length 90 94 85 104 107 107
Stem Angle ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8 ±8
Crank Length 144 202 184 190 191 188
Rider Height <166 166-174 172-180 178-186 184-192 >190
HB Drop 121 108 107 133 133 132
HB Reach 58 73 83 76 64 70
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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