

  42s 45s 48s 50s 52s 54s 56s 58s
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Reach 324 300 408 366 324 387 370 324
Stack 528 438 456 446 659 530 522 570
Top Tube (effective) 495 540 437 487 488 509 593 665
Top Tube (actual) 428 525 578 593 471 512 549 607
Seat Tube C-T 434 382 521 473 589 635 449 651
Seat Tube C-C 339 481 480 412 430 429 599 536
Seat Tube (effective) 438 612 580 455 502 523 632 556
Head Angle 70,8 71,15 71,52 71,62 71,92 72,49 72,88 73,12
Seat Angle 75,5 72 74,5 74 73,57 72,5 72 79
Head Tube 124 140 105 130 138 202 216 164
Chainstay 398 437 346 378 469 369 442 472
Front Centre 667 498 512 649 553 714 513 714
BB Drop 53 79 82 61 72 64 77 83
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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