

  S M L XL
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Reach 383 461 323 377
Stack 632 599 607 521
Top Tube (effective) 466 598 682 696
Seat Tube C-T 533 501 584 539
Head Angle 71.5° 71.5° 72° 72°
Seat Angle 74° 73.5° 73° 73°
Head Tube 143 133 129 194
Chainstay 359 381 363 422
Wheelbase 861 909 968 1163
BB Drop 53 54 54 77
Fork Rake / Offset 44 46 44 46
Handlebar Width 390 467 506 353
Stem Length 76 113 82 90
Crank Length 198 168 200 147
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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