Boardman MTR 8.6 2021



  S (16") M (17") L (18") XL (19")
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Reach 447 442 551 480
Top Tube (effective) 516 558 634 610
Seat Tube C-T 423 482 455 387
Head Angle 67 65 61 67
Seat Angle 62 63 66 68
Head Tube 83 96 90 131
Chainstay 456 524 454 488
BB Drop 31 31 34 31
Fork Rake / Offset 34 38 37 34
Handlebar Width 856 857 743 724
Stem Length 46 49 53 53
Crank Length 137 153 180 161
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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