Boardman SLR 9.4 Disc Carbon 2021



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Reach 332 376 390 321 459
Stack 584 637 604 547 511
Top Tube (effective) 560 582 600 634 529
Seat Tube C-T 536 525 468 556 503
Head Angle 60 77 70 82 83
Seat Angle 70 71 69 79 68
Head Tube 133 149 144 144 169
Chainstay 446 491 339 424 452
Wheelbase 1093 918 958 1160 1167
Front Centre 607 524 537 617 711
BB Drop 59 77 74 67 78
Fork Rake / Offset 45 45 56 53 47
Fork Length (A2C) 341 424 351 434 329
Wheel Size 579 739 836 748 829
Handlebar Width 368 407 432 337 385
Stem Length 80 106 95 116 114
Crank Length 184 182 140 204 202
Rider Height 162-170 170-179 177-183 181-189 187-195
Rider Inside Leg 70-78 74-82 78-85 82-89 86-94
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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