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Reach 398 344 543 372 398 584 514 510
Stack 668 518 730 555 613 730 696 514
Top Tube (effective) 583 471 526 624 669 531 693 691
Seat Tube C-T 412 407 445 369 376 429 503 368
Head Angle 62 64 59 52 72 55 55 66
Seat Angle 80 67 74 66 76 64 63 89
Head Tube 102 105 96 123 131 97 147 136
Chainstay 424 509 357 429 456 443 483 369
Wheelbase 1098 942 1422 1068 1052 1009 1451 1247
Standover 555 668 762 707 631 830 892 865
BB Drop 45 35 36 39 29 37 44 28
BB Height 348 334 315 342 367 334 313 375
Trail 108 104 108 148 107 151 128 112
Fork Length (A2C) 558 554 593 551 464 498 488 472
Max Post Insertion 197 195 254 278 282 339 372 636
Stem Length 47 49 58 49 42 55 41 51
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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