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Reach 371 363 388 391 414
Stack 433 478 505 575 594
Top Tube (effective) 527 583 496 541 510
Seat Tube C-T 501 451 552 608 523
Head Angle 63 63 87 63 79
Seat Angle 60 87 69 61 67
Head Tube 88 101 119 95 151
Chainstay 361 422 410 335 356
Wheelbase 963 843 1040 1072 1149
Front Centre 644 530 521 599 678
BB Drop 52 40 54 39 53
Fork Rake / Offset 36 38 34 42 37
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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