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Reach 349 345 347 419 422
Stack 482 557 550 683 545
Top Tube (effective) 564 481 562 548 525
Seat Tube C-T 435 518 623 554 492
Head Angle 62 68 81 75 77
Seat Angle 66 74,5 76 87 73,5
Head Tube 83 110 114 143 195
Chainstay 437 349 405 470 471
Wheelbase 915 992 925 1230 926
Standover 586 712 773 926 715
BB Drop 62 71 80 60 74
Fork Rake / Offset 40 40 44 54 50
Trail 74 68 69 65 64
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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