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Reach 441 383 472 366
Stack 627 620 549 805
Top Tube (effective) 613 552 573 547
Seat Tube C-T 565 442 516 612
Head Angle 83 59 60 58
Seat Angle 87 87 60 59
Head Tube 144 187 197 269
Chainstay 443 473 473 373
Wheelbase 983 1194 1167 1153
Standover 682 656 735 991
BB Drop 59 75 57 66
Fork Rake / Offset 47 37 50 46
Trail 85 68 72 56
Seatpost Diameter 29 25 23 31
Handlebar Width 456 434 492 516
Stem Length 101 98 109 85
Crank Length 166 141 201 161
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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