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Reach 390 325 386 354 406 407 365
Stack 461 433 597 461 479 641 649
Top Tube (effective) 505 497 518 451 529 643 563
Seat Tube C-T 508 394 491 506 532 644 680
Head Angle 57 66 60 65 76 67 73
Seat Angle 82 61 67 68 83 77 64
Head Tube 89 115 160 174 193 212 190
Chainstay 460 451 508 416 418 494 479
Wheelbase 1017 1094 1213 1075 1008 1176 1106
Standover 861 796 771 839 774 727 821
BB Drop 64 63 80 58 70 63 73
Fork Rake / Offset 47 45 55 47 38 40 56
Trail 79 72 61 75 63 72 56
Seatpost Diameter 24 29 31 25 27 27 31
Tyre Max Width 700x52 700x52 700x52 700x52 700x52 700x52 700x52
Handlebar Width 387 402 418 345 417 422 448
Crank Length 196 165 139 165 158 143 177
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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