

  s m l
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Reach 357 394 460
Stack 496 530 577
Top Tube (effective) 430 563 620
Seat Tube C-T 573 559 501
Head Angle 73 83 86
Seat Angle 79 60 79
Head Tube 98 150 152
Chainstay 413 377 403
Wheelbase 919 1036 1059
Standover 875 882 749
BB Drop 58 62 58
Fork Rake / Offset 52 45 44
Trail 67 58 56
Seatpost Diameter 22 27 27
Wheel Size 577 655 635
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: The S size standover in the manufacturer catalogue is a typo - it says 724, but it is 764, measured and verified on my personal bike.

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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