

  S M L XL
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Reach 412 458 350 441
Stack 448 615 477 488
Top Tube (effective) 541 473 496 536
Seat Tube C-T 415 478 639 606
Head Angle 72,8 82 73,2 73,2
Seat Angle 74,5 76 73 82
Head Tube 102 151 141 188
Chainstay 438 340 469 360
Wheelbase 974 1073 1201 987
Standover 699 838 931 835
BB Drop 51,5 51,5 51,5 51,5
Fork Rake / Offset 43 39 42 42
Trail 57 52 66 60
Bike Weight 9
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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