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Reach 313 364 324 338
Stack 515 619 586 520
Top Tube (effective) 533 600 456 536
Seat Tube C-T 491 633 643 704
Head Angle 74 63 79 76
Seat Angle 79 86 79 63
Head Tube 108 144 142 179
Chainstay 350 341 366 481
Wheelbase 970 1011 828 928
Standover 687 678 913 879
BB Drop 70 63 55 56
Fork Rake / Offset 48 55 42 46
Trail 73 62 56 59
Seatpost Diameter 26 27 23 23
Handlebar Width 546 603 595 457
Stem Length 75 87 80 86
Crank Length 165 148 202 153
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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