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Reach 332 328 405 355 426
Stack 526 518 593 681 705
Top Tube (effective) 577 522 556 520 520
Seat Tube C-T 561 592 514 631 585
Head Angle 74 85 75 79 74
Seat Angle 68 73 81 58 81
Head Tube 105 118 124 169 169
Chainstay 409 426 339 330 342
Wheelbase 1130 841 1036 1056 839
Standover 655 793 720 747 796
BB Drop 68 83 77 68 83
Fork Rake / Offset 46 46 48 47 51
Trail 50 54 52 47 56
Seatpost Diameter 30 28 22 22 28
Handlebar Width 430 746 399 396 442
Stem Length 96 108 125 115 122
Crank Length 183 204 192 165 205
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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