

  50 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 306 372 385 454 345 419
Stack 639 449 470 650 696 697
Top Tube (effective) 561 439 480 519 661 484
Head Angle 70 65 84 76 83 59
Seat Angle 86 59 78 84 63 68
Head Tube 134 130 186 163 170 204
Chainstay 370 360 423 445 351 397
Wheelbase 892 1078 928 864 1102 926
Front Centre 472 555 517 644 682 675
BB Drop 74 71 65 66 57 81
Fork Rake / Offset 46 49 50 51 46 51
Tyre Max Width 31 27 29 33 34 32
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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