

  50 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 421 350 426 333 380 417
Stack 531 529 464 538 582 646
Top Tube (effective) 542 589 598 517 522 699
Top Tube (actual) 453 608 527 530 610 636
Seat Tube C-T 516 455 605 609 622 674
Seat Tube C-C 459 439 462 529 594 532
Head Angle 58 72 72 70 78 86
Seat Angle 73 83 59 83 67 58
Head Tube 132 155 188 165 197 204
Chainstay 503 404 366 439 496 489
Wheelbase 937 911 859 966 826 1137
Front Centre 533 589 576 547 579 606
Standover 753 815 753 857 958 946
BB Drop 67 77 65 85 72 82
BB Type T47i T47i T47i T47i T47i T47i
Fork Rake / Offset 51 36 36 43 37 41
Fork Length (A2C) 427 311 437 327 436 296
Seatpost Diameter 31 23 31 27 30 29
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 700x35c 700x35c 700x35c 700x35c 700x35c 700x35c
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: from the BOSSI website

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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