Bottecchia 8AVIO EVO 2018



  43 47 50 53 56 59
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Reach 406 318 359 376 312 365
Stack 555 580 449 504 622 625
Top Tube (effective) 521 598 433 580 598 676
Top Tube (actual) 528 453 610 439 432 646
Seat Tube C-T 462 547 451 430 652 700
Head Angle 82 67 81 83 63 67
Seat Angle 89 76 72 62 77 66
Head Tube 84 127 126 113 177 190
Chainstay 396 340 446 342 414 379
Data Source Bottecchia Bottecchia Bottecchia Bottecchia Bottecchia Bottecchia

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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