

  50 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 311 292 371 455 354 329
Stack 484 462 658 591 611 530
Top Tube (effective) 433 481 450 567 671 629
Seat Tube C-T 578 590 454 471 614 624
Head Angle 81 82 71 73 80 62
Seat Angle 79 76 72 87 69 72
Head Tube 77 104 138 160 177 178
Chainstay 349 361 426 456 374 463
BB Drop 76 65 83 60 62 61
Fork Length (A2C) 327 434 302 378 310 436
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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