

  50 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 387 355 374 394 351 395
Stack 542 646 477 675 487 547
Top Tube (effective) 429 460 624 655 610 603
Seat Tube C-T 469 609 597 587 547 520
Head Angle 83 73 81 59 62 85
Seat Angle 63 66 74 84 60 74
Head Tube 120 118 163 163 153 171
Chainstay 390 389 478 454 478 483
BB Drop 76 78 80 86 87 75
Fork Rake / Offset 47 39 51 43 43 36
Fork Length (A2C) 424 381 338 355 396 315
Wheel Size 752 765 727 795 675 594
Tyre Max Width 25 27 35 29 37 35
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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