

  46 49 53 56 59
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Reach 331 380 311 451 403
Stack 418 588 644 506 696
Top Tube (effective) 547 445 461 574 601
Seat Tube (effective) 50 48 43 55 63
Head Angle 78 66 67 65 78
Seat Angle 85 67 85 70 72
Head Tube 101 141 159 177 144
Chainstay 431 495 503 354 366
Wheelbase 942 970 958 1157 1074
Standover 652 829 851 923 1001
BB Drop 65 73 63 58 68
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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