Brother Allday 2021



  52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm 60cm
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Reach 346 355 403 422 404
Stack 582 480 629 486 529
Top Tube (effective) 432 583 552 530 518
Seat Tube C-C 574 611 638 454 583
Head Angle 72 58 59 69 78
Seat Angle 82 69 61 84 70
Head Tube 130 147 133 188 189
Chainstay 322 367 440 355 471
Wheelbase 1085 1081 866 999 1180
BB Drop 67 70 71 48 55
Fork Rake / Offset 33 47 43 38 43
Fork Length (A2C) 374 333 410 345 382
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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