Brother Big Bro 2018



  Small (16) Medium (18) Large (20) xLarge (22)
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Reach 415 382 412 520
Stack 677 683 580 710
Top Tube (effective) 669 633 523 568
Top Tube (actual) 511 677 567 672
Seat Tube C-T 332 368 523 661
Head Angle 61 63 74 84
Seat Angle 81 59 76 75
Head Tube 99 92 111 100
Chainstay 417 519 446 429
Wheelbase 1044 1125 1116 943
Standover 880 736 795 785
BB Drop 48 53 51 50
Fork Rake / Offset 49 50 44 43
Fork Length (A2C) 569 530 466 481
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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