Brother Big Bro 2020



  Small (16) Medium (18) Large (20) xLarge (22)
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Reach 333 347 435 432
Stack 509 682 705 734
Top Tube (effective) 512 549 631 708
Top Tube (actual) 581 486 495 665
Seat Tube C-T 402 481 451 474
Head Angle 78 66 64 60
Seat Angle 63 79 87 74
Head Tube 101 99 91 134
Chainstay 434 509 377 420
Wheelbase 1281 1141 1209 1211
Standover 826 698 790 703
BB Drop 55 65 70 60
Fork Rake / Offset 49 41 39 46
Fork Length (A2C) 494 570 541 577
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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