Brother Big Bro 2021



  Small (16) Medium (18) Large (20) xLarge (22)
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Reach 394 465 427 491
Stack 671 677 546 647
Top Tube (effective) 498 486 537 694
Top Tube (actual) 561 645 704 732
Seat Tube C-T 472 535 434 613
Head Angle 81 61 62 64
Seat Angle 80 74 75 72
Head Tube 98 107 88 100
Chainstay 495 364 500 532
Wheelbase 1039 1128 1049 1316
Standover 855 731 841 950
BB Drop 53 67 68 53
Fork Rake / Offset 42 40 41 49
Fork Length (A2C) 455 458 475 442
Seatpost Diameter 26 26 32 36
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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