

  50cm 52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm 60cm
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Reach 358 347 405 362 455 386
Stack 566 600 550 459 554 530
Top Tube (effective) 496 629 500 504 542 546
Seat Tube C-C 546 575 608 606 566 625
Head Angle 84 65 57 78 83 64
Seat Angle 85 68 74 66 83 79
Head Tube 113 112 119 131 142 143
Chainstay 438 413 512 440 474 417
Wheelbase 970 1121 863 1225 1000 840
BB Drop 57 63 72 66 82 59
Fork Rake / Offset 41 59 40 38 50 37
Fork Length (A2C) 416 477 395 394 441 394
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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